What happened to the hair on the mole?

Hair on moles is because the moles grow on the area of hair follicles. Moles are benign skin growths, and they can appear on any part of the skin, even on the skin mucosa. If a mole grows at the mouth of a hair follicle, the phenomenon of hair growth on the mole will occur, which does not indicate that the mole has a tendency to become malignant. If a mole appears on the body, there is usually no pain or itchiness, and there is no need to treat it. However, when a mole grows on exposed parts of the skin or parts that are often stimulated and rubbed, you can go to the hospital and have the mole removed under the guidance of a doctor.

Because mole removal surgery is an invasive surgery, it is recommended to go to a regular hospital to have the mole removed, and not to choose a small clinic on the roadside without guarantee to remove the mole, otherwise bacterial infection may occur in the wound or the removal may not be complete.

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