Six classes of drugs that affect sexual performance

Men who take painkillers for a long time are more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED). Due to headaches, muscle pains and other painful conditions, many middle-aged and elderly men often take non-steroidal antipyretic analgesics, which affects their sexual performance.

“ED is mostly caused by the reproductive system itself, as well as the organic or functional changes of nerves and blood vessels.” At the same time, a considerable number of patients’ disease is related to medication. A foreign report shows that about 25% of outpatients in internal medicine suffer from drug-related ED. In addition to painkillers, long-term use of the following five types of commonly used drugs, but also be careful of ED.

First, antihypertensive drugs, such as reserpine, clonidine and so on.

The second is diuretics, such as spironolactone, the incidence of ED is as high as 30%.

The third is hormone drugs. Whether it is testosterone, estrogen, or adrenocortical hormones, ED may be triggered directly or indirectly.

Fourth, sleeping pills.

Fifth, gastric acid suppressing drugs, mainly refers to cimetidine, ranitidine and so on.

To sum up, when a man has ED, please see if you have taken the above 6 types of drugs? If so, you should go to the hospital in time for treatment under the guidance of a professional doctor. Generally, it is caused by the drug and usually returns to normal after a few months of stopping the drug.

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