Does male ligation affect sexual performance?

Condoms are the most common form of birth control in our lives, but in fact, for those who have completed their fertility goals, ligation surgery is a more once-and-for-all option, ligation surgery is divided into female tubal ligation and male vasectomy, male vasectomy is simpler and faster than female tubal ligation, but many men are reluctant to choose this method of contraception, thinking that it will be detrimental to male sexuality, which is actually a big misconception, today I will tell you about those things related to ligation surgery.

How is male ligation surgery done?
Male ligation surgery is performed by making a small incision in the skin on each side of the scrotum and then cutting off and closing the vas deferens so that the sperm will not reach the penis through the vas deferens and be discharged from the body for the purpose of permanent contraception. Male ligation surgery is less invasive, less bleeding, safer, and does not require bed rest after surgery, and also allows for unblocking of the vas deferens if there is a need for fertility in the future.

Will male ligation affect my sexual performance?
The actual fact is that the majority of the sperm in the male* is vesicular fluid and prostate fluid, and there is very little sperm. So male friends need not worry excessively, ligation does not adversely affect male sexuality.

Where do all the sperms that cannot be discharged after ligation go?
The actual fact is that the sperm will be intercepted, but the male can still produce sperm, some people worry that if the sperm can not be discharged for a long time, blocked in the body may have adverse effects, in fact, this worry is completely superfluous. The sperm that cannot be discharged will stay in the epididymal duct, and the body cells will gradually dissolve and absorb the sperm, which will not have any adverse effects on the body.

What do men need to pay attention to after ligation?
Although ligation surgery is only a minor surgery, there are still wounds. After the surgery, you need to take good care of the wounds, avoid getting water on them, and don’t do strenuous exercise to prevent them from tearing.

2, after the ligation surgery should pay attention to adequate rest, do not premature intercourse, is not conducive to wound recovery, at the same time, the sperm remaining in the ejaculatory duct may also allow women to accidentally pregnant, it is recommended that 3 months after the operation should be good contraceptive measures.

3, after surgery to pay attention to a light diet, eat more vegetables and fruits to enhance nutrition, while avoiding spicy and stimulating food to avoid wound infection and inflammation, which is not conducive to wound recovery.

After reading this article, I believe you have a clearer and more comprehensive knowledge of male ligation surgery, if you have completed the goal of childbirth, and permanent birth control needs of male friends, may take the ligation surgery, both to achieve the purpose of contraception, but also will not have any impact on the male “masculine”.

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