Can women get gynecological diseases if they don’t have sex?

Many people think that gynecological diseases must be related to sexual life, and some even think that women with gynecological diseases have an indiscreet private life. This is actually a very ignorant statement, because gynecological diseases related to sexual life are only a part of gynecological diseases, and the incidence of gynecological diseases is very high.

The female reproductive system is an open structure that is easily infected by bacteria and germs, and the urethra and vagina are very close to each other, which also makes them prone to cross-infection.

The most common gynecological disease inside is vaginitis, and the incidence of vaginitis is also very high. If the hygiene of private parts is not done properly, the immunity is reduced, or even washing with the underwear of vaginitis patients, it can lead to vaginitis.

Then there is celiac disease. Some people think that celiac disease is due to chaotic private life, which is also wrong. Celiac disease is actually a normal physiological phenomenon that is mainly affected by estrogen in a woman’s body and is completely unrelated to her sex life. The actual cervical disease is usually not treated if it is not accompanied by other cervical lesions.

There is also pelvic inflammatory disease, many factors can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, if the sanitary napkin is not clean, menstrual tub, cervical surgery infection, can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease. The health hazards of pelvic inflammatory disease are relatively great and need to be treated in hospital as soon as possible.

The last is the growth of acne in the private parts. Women’s private parts, like the armpits, sweat easily and are prone to grow small bumps, and if there are abrasions on the private parts, they will also grow small bumps in a humid environment. In this case, you can’t abuse antibiotics and vaginal lotions, you must keep your private parts dry and breathable, wear cotton underwear, and don’t eat spicy and stimulating.

The vast majority of gynecological diseases are related to personal hygiene. Doing the following in daily life can prevent gynecological diseases to a great extent.

1, pay attention to the cleanliness of private parts, keep dry.

2, wear cotton underwear, change the wash regularly.

3、Bring condoms before and after sex and do a good job of cleaning.

4、Be sure to avoid sexual intercourse during your period.

5、Go for HPV vaccine as much as possible.

  1. Do regular gynecological examinations every year.

Gynecological disease does not mean a chaotic private life, but a very common disease, women who have discomfort in the private parts, must seek medical attention as soon as possible, do not be afraid to seek medical attention because they feel ashamed, delaying the treatment of the disease.

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