When a pregnancy is decided to terminate the pregnancy, is the smaller the gestational week, the less damage to the body, generally the best time to choose painless abortion is 6-7 weeks of pregnancy.
The best time to choose painless abortion is generally 6-7 weeks of pregnancy. To determine intrauterine pregnancy, generally count from menopause, menopause 35 days to do ultrasound should see whether there is a gestational sac in the uterus, it is possible that 5 weeks of pregnancy intrauterine gestational sac is still relatively small. If you decide to have an abortion, and you choose painless anesthesia, you should have an intrauterine gestational sac of more than 1 cm. Therefore, most women at 6-7 weeks of pregnancy can be sure of intrauterine pregnancy and also see that the gestational sac is above 1 cm, and it is better to choose painless abortion at this time. It is possible to choose outpatient painless abortion at less than 10 weeks of pregnancy, and it is better the smaller the month and the smaller the gestational week, so that the abortion will cause less damage to the body. After the painless abortion, pay attention to rest, avoid strain and wind chill, and prohibit sexual intercourse, tub bathing and swimming for one month after the operation. Follow the doctor’s instructions for medication to prevent infection and promote the recovery of the uterus. Observe the body temperature, vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain. If there is fever, vaginal bleeding for more than 10 days, or excessive menstrual flow or persistent abdominal pain, you need to go to the hospital for consultation.
Preventive measures after painless abortion are as follows: Painless abortion is a kind of abortion performed under intravenous anesthesia. After the procedure, bed rest is required for about half an hour. It takes some time for the anesthetic drugs to metabolize in the body, so one cannot drink or eat within three hours to avoid vomiting and choking. Next, patients also need to be aware of the amount of bleeding and abdominal pain. If vaginal bleeding exceeds the amount of menstruation, check for contractions and residuals. In addition, anti-inflammatory drugs need to be taken under the doctor’s supervision. Patients should not have intercourse for one month after the operation and also try to avoid bathing.