What exercises do I do for knee pain to get better faster?

In addition to completing the homework assigned by the teacher, Xiao Hao loves sports and spends all his spare time in badminton, tennis, squash, and taekwondo. …… His parents are very happy to see him getting stronger and fitter.

However, after a normal soccer game, Xiao Hao suddenly felt discomfort in his knee joint, and then the pain gradually increased. Although he was determined to cut his total weekly exercise hours in half, the pain still occasionally recurred.

“One injury to the knee is the beginning of a lifelong injury, especially in the youth population, and one should try to avoid injuring the knee, such as wearing knee pads when playing sports.”

So, what causes knee injuries? How can they be treated symptomatically?

There are many causes of knee injuries, and the student population needs to keep an eye out for immune disorders

When a person is more capable and needs to do more, he may suffer more injuries, relatively speaking. This is also true of our knee joint, which has a wide range of motion and function among the joints in the body and is also one of the most vulnerable to injury.

What conditions are likely to lead to knee injuries? Zou Yucong summarized four common causes.

One is external injury. Sports, especially intense competitive sports, basically require the use of the knee joint. Once used improperly or with the wrong force, it is easy to cause knee injuries.

The second is joint degeneration. Knee pain is one of the most prevalent diseases among elderly patients. Zou Yucong stressed that knee pain is not caused by bone spurs, and drugs that claim to eliminate bone spurs should not be easily believed.

Third, autoimmune diseases. Zou Yucong has seen many junior and senior high school students who usually notice increased knee pain in the middle of the night or early in the morning, which can be relieved after activity. These symptoms may be related to autoimmune spine and joint diseases, such as ankylosing spondylitis, and should be treated promptly.

Fourth, metabolic diseases. Gouty arthritis can also cause knee pain. Patients need to watch for redness, swelling and pain in the knee joint and check for high uric acid values.

Must be treated for the cause, moxibustion and closed needles should not be used blindly

The strength of the knee joint is crucial. Squatting against the wall is one of the daily training methods for knee joint strength. For different causes of knee pain, patients should match the corresponding treatment to their situation.

For external injuries, professional rehabilitation is required according to the degree of injury. In severe cases, knee debridement and cruciate ligament reconstruction are recommended, followed by different rehabilitation methods according to early, kind and late stages. Patients who like to exercise can try to replace exercises that are more friendly to the knee joint, such as walking on flat ground and swimming.

For joint degeneration, oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, glucosamine, etc., or physiotherapy and acupuncture can be used as conservative treatment methods. Platelet plasma is the latest treatment method, which extracts nutrients from human blood through centrifugal technology, separates them and injects them into the joint, which not only effectively relieves knee pain, but also has good effects on arthritis and tendonitis.

Knee joints like warmth and fear of cold, moxibustion, rubbing the palms of the knee joints can make the knee joints in a warm state, increasing the blood supply to the knee joints. However, Zou Yucong stressed that knee pain caused by autoimmune diseases or gout should not be treated with moxibustion.

The presence of pain means that there is inflammation, and hormones can effectively relieve inflammation, so can the injection of closed needles (anti-inflammatory and pain relief needles) effectively treat knee pain. Zou Yucong responded that patients with intense pain can try one or two closed-needle inoculations, “Local, small doses of hormone therapy can help to obtain good analgesic effects, but it cannot be abused and requires injection therapy at a regular hospital.”

Closed needle contains hormones, the anti-inflammatory effect of hormones actually has certain side effects, will reduce the local immune capacity and local repair ability, may lead to tendon, ligament degeneration, repeated closure led to local spontaneous rupture of the tendon. If the hormone is medium and long-acting, it cannot be injected again in a short period of time, and an interval of at least 1 month is needed.

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