Scrotal itching and pimples may be related to improper cleaning, tight underwear and other hygiene factors, insist on washing the vulva and changing comfortable underwear for a period of time, the body discomfort symptoms will gradually disappear. After excluding the above factors, it is considered to be caused by allergies, chronic lichen simplex and other diseases, which should be promptly examined by a doctor and treated in a targeted manner.
1, allergy: when the scrotum is stimulated by a hot and humid environment for a long time, clothing is not breathable, it may appear scrotal eczema, contact dermatitis and other allergic reactions, the skin of the scrotum area shows itching, red rash and other discomfort.
2, chronic lichen simplex: also known as neurodermatitis, with excessive tension, lack of sleep and endocrine imbalance and other factors, manifested as lesions of varying sizes, paroxysmal itching, etc., involving the scrotum can show scrotal itching, often scratching, resulting in local pimple-like phenomenon.
3, condyloma acuminata: human papillomavirus infection caused by the skin mucous membrane benign tumor-like superfluous organisms, the clinical performance of the genital organs and other itchy, foreign body feeling and skin superfluous, etc., scrotum also have the above discomfort, the naked eye can be observed in the shape of acne warts body.
4, genital herpes: the herpes simplex virus infection caused by sexually transmitted diseases, men can appear itching at the scrotum, long corn-sized blisters, etc., and accompanied by lesions at the pins and needles feeling, pain, etc..
5, inguinal granuloma: chronic sexually transmitted diseases caused mainly by the bacterium Podococcus granulosus, clinical manifestations of the lesion site appears painless subcutaneous nodules, can gradually develop into ulcers, granulation tissue, accompanied by local itching, etc., some people self-observation can be subcutaneous nodules mistaken for acne.
Patients are advised to go to the hospital for histopathology, cytology and other related examinations in time to make a diagnosis and treat the symptoms, but not to blindly use medication on their own. If the discomfort is caused by scrotal eczema, it can be treated with antihistamines such as promethazine hydrochloride tablets, prednisone acetate tablets or glucocorticoid steroids as prescribed by the doctor after the adverse stimulus is removed. At the same time, maintain good living habits, pay attention to their own hygiene, appropriate exercise, strengthen the nutritional intake, etc., so as to facilitate the body’s recovery.