Why do you have to strip naked for an upper limb surgery?

When it comes to the operating room, many people find it both mysterious and scary. When you enter the operating room, you are faced with medical staff who only show their eyes, various large instruments and equipment, and you have to take some risks of the surgery. Your nervousness, fear and anxiety prior to surgery are all human.

Before getting on the operating table, many patients ask, “Why do I have to take off my pants when I’m having upper extremity surgery? Can you leave a pair of underwear?” This is something we hear every day, but I still have to answer, “Yes, you have to take them off!”

Why exactly do patients have to be naked during surgery? Let’s reveal the answer today.

When it comes to nudity, it’s a sensitive topic for all Chinese, and the first thing our operating room medical staff does with patients before surgery is to assist you in preparing for the procedure.

First, to facilitate operations such as catheterization and puncture

The administration of anesthesia and preoperative antibiotics during surgery, as well as intraoperative blood transfusions, are all given with special indwelling needles in the operating room. These special indwelling needles have high vascular requirements. We will first select the thicker vessels for puncture, and for some special procedures, we will also give the patient two-site indwelling needles. In addition, some surgical operations such as urinary catheterization and central venipuncture will be performed before surgery, and if the patient wears clothes, it will cause inconvenience to the puncture and intraoperative observation.

Second, to avoid infection caused by clothing with bacteria

Surgery must be strictly sterile in order for it to proceed more smoothly. During surgery, the surgeon has to perform work that touches human organs. The patient’s clothing will have the presence of bacterial germs, and to avoid infection of the patient’s incision and to facilitate the surgeon’s operation, the clothing brought from the environment outside the operating room must be removed during the surgery.

But, don’t worry! We will use sterile cloths to cover the body, exposing only the part of the body where the surgery is to be performed.

In addition, when extensive sterilization is required for surgery, you will not be able to meet the sterilization requirements if you are wearing clothing, increasing the risk of infection.

Third, check the injury in advance in case of emergency

Emergency trauma patients are admitted directly to the operating room through the emergency department green channel. This requires the medical staff to remove all clothing and check the skin condition and the presence of invisible wounds prior to surgery.

Fourth, it facilitates the administration of anesthesia

Some long and complex surgeries requiring general and spinal anesthesia require patients to be nude. The surgeon and anesthesiologist will closely observe the patient during the operation.

If intraoperative resuscitation and intubation are required, every second is a golden resuscitation time, and removing all clothing is a race for life.

The purpose of full-body nude surgery is to make the surgery go more smoothly and safely. Patients do not have to worry about exposing their privacy, our medical staff will protect your privacy from disclosure. So if you want to have a smooth and safe surgery, then you still have to accept the fact of nude surgery, don’t be shy don’t feel embarrassed, our medical staff will bring you the warmest service.

Know more

These surgeries all require the removal of clothing

For surgical procedures that require general anesthesia, spinal canal anesthesia, nerve block anesthesia, etc., we require you to remove all of your clothing, and depending on the surgical site, you will also need to remove your clothing. For example, abdominal surgery in general gastrointestinal surgery, open-heart surgery in cardiothoracic surgery, replacement surgery and internal fixation surgery in orthopedics, cranial and spinal surgery in neurosurgery, perineal surgery in gynecological and urological surgery, etc.

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