Open the cold drink cabinet of the convenience store one hand hesitated between “fatty happy water” and “sugar-free soda”, after comparing the calorie table on the back of the package finally this hand took the drink labeled “sugar-free”. “sugar-free” drink.
We all know that it’s easy to get fat and unhealthy when you eat too much sugar, but sometimes, you just want to have a sweet and refreshing drink!
Today’s hot search directly tells us that sugar-free drinks really can’t be enjoyed!
A study found through long-term follow-up: the same drink carbonated drinks, drink sugar-free fat more people, more people have diabetes.
Doctors analysis, 0 calories 0 sugar drinks than ordinary drinks are healthier and safer, we think sugar-free will come two more cans, but “0 calories 0 sugar” drinks contain appetite stimulating ingredients, but will make us want to eat, increasing the risk of obesity, diabetes and so on.
No sugar is really zero added?
We all know that consuming too much sugar will burden the body, and even a lot of teenage celebrities boast of freezing age thanks to giving up sugar.
If you have a craving and want to drink, is it really healthy to pick sugar-free drinks? Not necessarily!
What is sugar?
Sugar is a substance that can be digested and absorbed into glucose, including sucrose (white sugar, brown sugar, rock sugar, etc.), glucose, fructose, maltose, lactose, and other monosaccharides and disaccharides.
What is sugar-free again?
Sugar-free means no sweetened sugar, no sugar substances, or simply and crudely, no added sugar.
According to national standards, if the sugar content is less than or equal to 0.5 grams per 100 grams or per 100 milliliters of food, it can be labeled sugar-free.
Sugar-free beverages generally refer to sweetened beverages that choose sugar substitutes instead of white sugar, sucrose and glucose, such as the familiar sugar-free tea drinks, sugar-free soda, zero-calorie sparkling water and other beverages.
Between ordinary drinks and sugar-free drinks, sugar-free drinks are relatively recommended, but you still have to pay attention to the intake, otherwise you will gain weight.
Why are sugar-free beverages sweet and so low in calories?
Sugar-free beverages are made by adding sugar substitutes (also known as sweeteners), chemicals that have a sweet taste but are not sugar, to the beverage.
Common sugar substitutes include erythritol, steviol glycosides, aspartame and xylitol, which are hundreds of times sweeter than cane sugar, but contain very few or zero calories!
It’s true that sugar substitutes are low in calories, but they don’t equate to weight loss, and they even tend to increase your appetite and indulge in more eating.
Why you shouldn’t drink sugar-free drinks
Studies have shown that sweeteners increase appetite and cravings for sweets.
The sweetness of sweeteners makes the body think it is consuming sugar, which then stimulates insulin production, but when blood sugar does not rise but falls, it sends hunger signals and reflexively increases appetite.
A team of scientists analyzed data from 381 individuals and found that those who consumed artificial sweeteners were more likely to be overweight and more likely to trigger poor glucose tolerance than others.
A related paper published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in January 2009 said there is no evidence to prove that eating foods sweetened with sweeteners is beneficial for weight control.
These sweeteners themselves are low in energy, but they enhance the appetite, so there is a risk that drinking sweetened beverages with unlimited food may induce overeating. In the long run, they can increase the risk of obesity.
A 2013 study published in Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism showed that artificial sweeteners (e.g., abasame, sucralose, saccharin, etc.) are not as good for your health as you might think. They can also increase the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease. Drinking just one can of beverage a day can significantly increase the risk of disease.
Scarily, according to data published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a study of 66,118 women over 14 years, long-term intake of beverages containing artificial sweeteners was shown to be more likely to induce obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Moreover, every time you drink a zero-calorie drink, you’ll be more or less afraid to eat some high-calorie food.
Some people may say that it increases appetite and induces diabetes, but it seems to be nothing serious, even if you are not afraid of fat, you should take care of your teeth!
Although sugar-free foods (including sugar-free drinks) can reduce the risk of tooth decay, there are also acids that can destroy tooth enamel, so try to drink less sugar-free drinks.
Sugar-free carbonated drinks contain a lot of phosphoric acid, which will combine with calcium, iron, zinc, copper and other metal ions in the body to produce phosphorus hydrochloride, thus increasing the risk of osteoporosis.
Sugar-free cola contains a certain amount of caffeine, which is not suitable for people with insomnia. The more you drink, the more you get excited, the more you want to drink, and then open your eyes until morning.
Don’t drink it! Drinking more sugar substitutes is not healthy!
Small amounts of sugar substitutes (sweeteners) do not lead to weight gain or various medical conditions, but some sweeteners can cause metabolic disorders, intestinal flora imbalance and other adverse consequences, so it is recommended to drink more plain water and less sugary as well as sugar-free beverages.
The Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) has established an Allowable Daily Intake (ADI) of 11 mg/kg bw for sweeteners, which means that for a consumer weighing 60 kg, even if he eats sweeteners every day and the daily intake does not exceed 660 mg, it will not pose a health hazard.
If you often consume drinks or foods with excessive sweeteners, it will cause harm to the human liver and nervous system, especially the elderly, pregnant women and children with weak metabolic detoxification ability should be more careful.
It is recommended that you drink more plain water, light tea to quench your thirst, drink less drinks, drink drinks at the same time it is best to cooperate with the exercise, because cheating the body, there will be the cost of gaining weight.